Using ESP8266-RTOS-SDK on Debian


ESP8266-RTOS-SDK is not well supported on PlatformIO. (PlatformIO provides a very low friction path tp programming a variety of microcontrollers.) Espressif themselves deprecate ESP8266-NONOS-SDK and recommend ESP8266-RTOS-SDK It seems if one wishes to use Espressif's SDK and tools directly, it should be via the instructions found at I found these instructions a bit challenging so I thought it would be useful to work my way through them (blunder my way through) and document what I needed to do to get this working.


  1. Install required OS packages and some config.
  2. Clone the Espressif Github repo.
  3. Run the repo provided script to install the tools.
  4. Build a trial project.

Note: The instructions on the web page list downloading build tools and then provide no hint as to where to install them. The script will do that so there is no need for the user to download build tools separately.


This install was performed on a new install of Debian Bullseye, including the Gnome and KDE desktops as well as the SSH server using a non-free netinst image. Commands that require root are preceeded with sudo rather than using # or $ to indicate whether they are user or root commands to make it poossible to copy the entire line and paste it into a terminal window.

The SDK requires the following environment variable to get off the ground.

export IDF_PATH=~/esp/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK

The SDK requires that python run Python 3. On Debian Bullseye this can be accomplished using update-alternatives. (Debian Bullseye does not have an unversioned python program by default.)

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.9 1
python --version
sudo apt install wget python3-virtualenv python3-pip \
    libncurses-dev flex bison gperf minicom git

I configure git with the following commands. (Substitute your preferred characteristics.)

git config --global "<Yourt Name>"
git config --global <your email>
git config --global pull.ff only 

You will need read/write access to the USB device. This can be done by adding the user to the dialout group.

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
su - $USER

(The second command adds the group to the users environment without having to logout.)

Cloning ESP8266-RTOS-SDK

Espressif's instructions indicate to clone into ~/esp/

mkdir esp
cd esp
git clone

This will create ~/esp/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK/.

Install the tool chain

export IDF_PATH=~/esp/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK
cd ~/esp/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK/

If all goes well, you will see

All done! You can now run:

  . ./

This will have installed the tool chain in ~/.espressif. Sourcing will report

hbarta@yggdrasil:~/esp/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK$ . ./
Adding ESP-IDF tools to PATH...
Checking if Python packages are up to date...
Python requirements from /home/hbarta/esp/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK/requirements.txt are satisfied.
Added the following directories to PATH:
Done! You can now compile ESP8266-RTOS-SDK projects.
Go to the project directory and run:



The hello_world project can then be built

cd ./examples/get-started/hello_world
make flash

I was unable to get minicom to read the output from /dev/ttyUSB0 at the default baud rate of 74880 and also tried 9600, 19200 and 115200.


Contributions welcome but not limited to

  • Wrong or confusing wording.
  • Additional Linux distros and/or operating systems.
  • Instructions for integrating this with VS Code or other popular IDEs but without PlatformIO. (Or with PlatformIO if that can be managed.)

The repo for this page is at